Smart Foil


Principle: The self-adhesive smart film contains 3 layers: ITO conductive film-Liquid Crystal-lTO conductive film. When thepower is OFF, the liquid crystal molecules are irregular, which twist the incoming light and make the smart film "opaque"When the power is ON, the LC molecules become regular, which allows the light going.
Self-adhesive PDLC smart film is a product that is capable of adjusting light transmission between transparent andopaque by using AC power. Due to moisture sensitivity, earlier versionsof the film were used only to make smart glass by lamination on glass. With continual improvement in combines many functions, such as light adjustment, UV and infrared blocking, advertising and security.


1. Privacy Protection

ON (transparent) state can visually extend the space and offer a better light condition, and OFF (opaque) state can provide a private space with a single switch.
It can be used in office partition, bathing room, leisure club, private residence and other places to show its unique effect.

2. Less Power Consumption

The self-adhesive smart film is also a good choice for heat isulation. lt can become a significant part of the energy-saving system.
Statistics  show that, building energy consumption takes up as high as 25% of the world total energy consumption. 1°C lower indoor will cost 6% extra power. Our self-adhesive smart film can keep away certain percentage of UV and IR rays, which helps the user to maintain the building interna! temperature and save energy.

3. Projection screen

Rear projection on the self-adhesive film can generate clear images and videos. Together with IR technology, the user can build a touch screen system up to 150 inches.

The self-adhesive film can be used as an E-curtain during the day, while it can be used as add screen at night.


Glass Partition


1. Multi-purpose use for office

As a glass partition for offices and meeting rooms, you can see things outside when it is transparent. When opaque, it can be used as projection screen and whiteboard.

2. Interior design for residential

Glass curtains, living rooms, bathroom cubicles and other places can be used to highlight the owner's extraordinary taste. Usually the glass is in a opaque state, so that privacy is well protected. When used, the glass is transparent, so that the owner can enjoy the comfort.

3. Commodity display and commercial advertisement

When the display window is opaque, the product can not be seen by others, and the projector can also be used far advertising. When the window is transparent, the product is displayed, and the two states can be switched in an instant.

4. Use in special occasions

1) Use far glass partitions in bathrooms and toilets: when not in use, the glass is trans parent, and when in use, the door lock is locked as soon as it appears opaque.
2) Use far hidden space in hospital: using in hospital baby room, intensive care unit ex ploration window, etc., which can replace curtains, reduce dust mites and reduce noise.
3) Use far clean room: The clean room can use self-adhesive PDLC film to change the tran sparency and opacity, so that to reduce the inconvenience of wearing clean clothes into and out of the clean room.

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